
Our Experience at the Service of Your Health

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Experts in
Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of:


Dementias, Alzheimer's and Vascular Diseases

Prevención Parkinson Euroespes

Parkinson's and Movement Disorders


CNS Diseases

Precision Medicine

Risk Genetics

Keep abreast of your health problems!

Discover your genetic predisposition to certain diseases. Use Genomics to anticipate potential health problems and take appropriate preventive measures. Start your journey to a healthier life with EUROESPES HEALTH.

Preventive Protocols
Minimize Your Risks: Prevention Better than Treatment

Although neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s appear around the age of 60, brain damage begins 30 years earlier.

360 Diagnosis
360 Diagnosis. Health without uncertainty

The diagnostic protocol of Eurospes Health consists of a comprehensive medical examination, static and functional imaging tests as well as an extensive screening of biochemical, hematological, metabolic, neurotransmitter and epigenetic parameters in blood.

Pruebas Genética Predictiva
Pharmacogenetic Profile
The therapeutic response of every person is unique.

EUROESPES HEALTH provides effective treatments through a personalized medicine approach based on the individual pharmacogenetic profile.

Comprehensive Medical Protocol

The protocol designed by Euroespes Health professionals consists of three areas:

  • Functional Assessment

    Specialty consultation, complete blood tests, EKG, CT and neuropsychological assessment.

  • Specific Brain Assessment

    Brain Mapping, Frontal Topography, Brain Scanner, Transcranial Doppler, Carotid Doppler, OVEX ...

  • Genetic Evaluation

    Pharmacogenetic Study, Genetic Risk Profile, Epigenetic Panel

All tests performed in ONE DAY

Led by Dr. Ramón Cacabelos, one of our most distinguished scientists internationally in the field of NeurosciencesGenomic Medicine and Pharmacogenetics of Central Nervous System diseases.

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